Saturday, January 29, 2011

An Auspicious Beginning

Though I've had several of these things in ages past I figured it was time for a new one... one I can take more seriously. A record of achievements to aid in my own self-motivation among other things. This year is a year of resolutions, and I intend to see as many of them through as possible.
Current goals I'm focusing on include:
  • Not letting Organic Chemistry crucify me
  • Improve penmanship
  • Actually read my textbooks
  • Avoid procrastination
  • Be positive, and take more leaps of faith
  • Eat healthy and get exercise in at least 3 days a week. lose 30 pounds
  • Set an example
  • Do artsy things
I'm doing a pretty good job so far. There are lots of smaller resolutions not important enough to be mentioned here.
Also, I may have found someone I'd be interested in dating, though of course it is rather difficult to determine whether she'd reciprocate the sentiments. I'm being careful about this one though... It would be rather unfortunate if I ruined it prematurely. I think I'll see if I can get her to go see Valentines Day with me when the campus theater shows it... and obviously if she agrees the next step would be to ask her to be my valentine... and then maybe ask her to go to Shag on the Mag with me... but I get ahead of myself. It is not wise to build castles in the air like this.
The parental units came up today to visit and take me to lunch. They ended up taking me to the doctor too, who thinks I have contracted influenza in spite of my vaccination earlier this season. Needless to say, I feel lousy... but I'll survive this... hopefully it'll be over in time for me to take the Organic exam on Monday... but knowing my luck I'll be making that up some other time.


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